I am a Gamer. I am a subclass of nerd that is sometimes shunned by other nerds. The mainlines (or common) nerds were smarter than us, and the drama nerds were wierder than us, the Trekies/Jedi Knights were more belittled. But no one, not anybody, was creepier or more obtuse than the Gamers. I mean, we still have the majority of the characteristics of other Nerd branches: we're smart, can use technology, and have a slight difficulty in inter-personal relationships. But we also have one extra thing.........Gamers....well......we like games. All kinds of games. Computer games, role playing games, trivia games, card games, prettymuch anything that has complex rules. When you go into a electronics store, and some guy is drooling over the next computer game and desperately trying to pre-order it: that's probably a Gamer. If you're shopping in a bookstore and see some guy with his nose burried in a Dungeons and Dragons rule book: that's a Gamer. On saturdays, when the Books-A-Million has their weekly Yu-Gi-Oh and Magic: The Gathering tourneys; the guys you see crouching over the tables are Gamers. Starting to build a mental profile? Good! Time to test it. Pop Quiz time! In this photo, find the Gamer in the group of nerds!
If your quess was the guy in the Legend of Zelda t-shirt, you are 100% right! Gamers have an almost debilitating fascination with games. I had a buddy who was a police dispatcher and was written up for reading a 200 page rules manual on the job. He tried to explain that he had a big game coming up on Saturday and needed to recall some rules; but his boss wasn't a gamer, so he wasn't as understanding as he could have been. Gamer's also have another thing to struggle against. Even though we're smart and a lot of us have good-paying jobs, and we're really nice, and usually funny........we can't get women. Well, I did, but what I'm saying is that gamers usually can't get no love from the ladies. It seems that we are too esoteric and reclusive(this is all Nerds, not just Gamers here). Also, there is a persistant rumor running around that Gamers(Nerds in general, actually) don't bathe as often as they should. Well, it's a LIE! Most of us bathe daily, and use deoderant. Nerds, particularly Gamers, are desperate to attract and keep women. As such, we'll try a heck of a lot harder than your regular Preppy, Jock or even an Emo Boy. Ladies, do you want romance? Why not date a Nerd and watch the sparks fly? Like being pampered? Do you want to be appreciated and listened to and treated well? Try dating a nerd. Sure, we don't look good on the beach, but we'll be able to troubleshoot your computer and you will never lose on trivia night at the bar with a Nerd on your arm! Just ask my wife: Once you go Nerd, you don't go back.

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