Friday, January 1, 2010

The Holidays Are OVER!!!!

It's time for YOU and your screaming badly behaved children to go the hell home. Or, it's time for my ass to GO HOME. OR to a bar. Either way. Can you tell what kind of Christmas me and Lemur Queen had? I know I love hearing stories about 50 times of what happens when you feed donkeys raisins on the farm during WWII (hint: they FART!). Also, it's nice the know that my grandmother love the delinquent in the family who lived at home untill he's 28 and never got a full time job and mooches constantly more than me. You know, the one who went to college, got a job, and got married. "You should be more like CHAD!" Chad? Chad who just asked me for $20 so he could get groceries Chad? Yeah, that's what I want.

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