Thursday, July 31, 2008
Heresy! Intrigue! Ecumenical Discord! (Holy Wars II)
Not that I'm bitter or anything. BUT......we are looking for a church.
The first place we tried was Tiny Moravian. I like the Moravians, they're a handshakin' bunch of folks. And if you show up at Christmas, they'll give you a candle, some coffee, and a hamburger bun. But don't call it a hamburger bun or they get snippy. But Like Lemur Queen said, they couldn't get our names right, and we just didn't feel at home.
My wife forgot this, but we also tried Big Barn Methodist. Nice building, right by an Arby's, so if I'm jonesing for beef during the sermon I can duck out without being spotted. But our fellow worshipers were...........uh........farted dust. The pastor tried to have a special "children's message" with the ONE child that was in the congregation. We were the youngest people there by 30 years. When the "spry young greeter" starts the conversation with "hey, my grandchildren are about your age, litle older though.....", you might not fit in.
The we tried the local Catholic church. Our Lady of Perpetual Guilt. I didn't like it. It was a very modern, and very liberal place. And there was one more thing. The priest. A long time ago I worked in an Army hospital for a few weeks. I used to have to run up to Code Blues and whatnot and saw one or two people die. That priest was the priest on duty at the hospital. He's cool as a cucumber when somebody's bitin' the big one, but I remebered him. And he kinda freaked me out, becuase the voice he used to deliver the sermon was exactly the same pace, tone and loudness that he delivered Last Rights to the dying. Kinda spooky.
THEN we tried Baptist Church #1. Nice folks, good sermon, nice range of people there(NOT all oldies, like some have said, Love you honey!). Then they did the follow-up call. It was pretty quick. The gentlemen was very polite, except when he asked from what church we would be moving our "letters of membership" to. I've never had one of those, as neither Catholics or Charismatics write letters for stuff like that (if there's a clergyman reader, explain please?). So, I just told him what churches we were coming from. Papists must not be welcome, as the call ended 5 seconds after he found us out.
Then we tried Baptist Church #2. Everything Lemur Queen said was dead on accurate. This was a very contemporary church. Big band, lots of singers. I did notice that only one or two singers seemed to have their mics on, though they all had mics with them. BIG jumbotrons with the song words on them, complete with inspiring backgrounds that looked like something from a Christian version of Powerpoint. But again, a good group of people. Then the pastor got up. Wow. Sexual abuse sermon. Wow. Slightly uncomfortable. Wanna know what's more uncomfortable? The sunday that sermon was given.....was Mother's Day. The tabernacle was packed with families. Not good times. What finally did it for us, however, was when Lemur Queen was ambushed by a little girl who evidently thought my wife was her momma. Then she looked up, saw my wife, screamed, and ran away. *I* am an ugly bugger, and I have frightened so many children that it doesn't register with me anymore. Lemur Queen, however, is a very pretty girl and she did not appreciate being yelled at.
The we tried St. Random's Prespyterian. They're like the Anglicans. Catholic Lite, half the saints, all the guilt! I can't really comment about the service, as I was knocked unconscious by the overwhelming stale perfume that was radiating like a stinky halo from the woman in the large hat in front of us. Lemur Queen was ok, as she was off to the side, but I was directly behind her, got a nosefull, and passed out. So, we may have to go back and sit somewhere else so I can remember the service.
The last church we tried was Our Lady of The Scary Part of Town. It's in an appropriate place for the name, and is a very old brick dome chruch. OLD SCHOOL. Hoorah! Old priest, old style servie, and old style building. They even got candle shrines. Of the churches we've been to so far, I like it the best. But my better half wasn't thrilled. So, the search continues.
Before I go, I need to ask two questions of the audience:
1. Why do protestant churches have those little "friendship" books that everyone has to sign? I don't remember Jesus ever doing a parable about the "The Frequent Attender And His Friendship Book" What's the deal?
2. Why are there no Second Baptist Churches anywhere? Or Second Methodist Chruches? The Lutherans, Prespyterians, Anglicans, and Catholics are all named after somebody or something, by why to Methodists and Baptists have numbers? And why only first? What's the Deal?
Fat Rock.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Holy Wars
But, as usual, Fat Rock and I are contrary. Me, I'm Moravian. For those NC natives out there, you know this denomination . Old Salem, sugar cakes, all that good stuff. For those of you not lucky enough to call NC home, I think the motto says it all; "In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, love." Basically, your boring old mainstream Protestant church, with the added benefit of eating during church.
Fat Rock started out as a Charismatic Christian. So, let's just say, a slightly more exuberant service. In a church with fairly strong feelings on such things as Harry Potter, Halloween, and booze. Once he entered college, he rebelled. He rebelled BAD. Oh yes, he converted. To Latin Rite Roman Catholic. He's a wild man, my husband.
So now we are married, in a new city, and are on the hunt for a new church. It has been an adventure, and we may go pastafarian just to be done with the church shopping.
First stop, the one and only Moravian church in town. Comfortable, friendly, median age of parishioners, about 70. Congregation size, about 70. Also, they kept getting our names wrong. We are NOT Big Boulder and Merkeet Madam. We are Fat Rock and Lemur Queen. You only have 72 names to remember, get it straight. After only 3 Sundays, we came home to a message on our machine, offering us membership. Still didn't get our names right. Hmm, maybe we should have stuck around. Another month, and we'd be RUNNING the place.
Next, off to the Catholic Church. Our Lady of Perpetual Guilt. Held in a cafagymatoriam. Larger congregation, more varied ages, but kind of impersonal, without many opportunities to get involved. The folding chairs were a nice change from pews, I'll give them that.
Ok, we're in the south, let's give the Baptists a try.
#1 Nice big church, lots of ministry opportunities. Excellent service. But once we let slip that there was a PAPIST in their midst, we were given the cold shoulder. Better not tell them about my dance lessons.
#2 Recommended by a co-worker. We braved a near-Biblical flood to attend this service. This service was a bit modern. HUGE praise band with at least 2 drummers, 4 guitarists and 6 bass players. Screens a-plenty, with praise songs and the minister's head, blown up to Macy's Parade Balloon size. Okayy, let's give them a chance. Sermon starts. The main theme? Sexual abuse. Of the minister. By family members. Um, I think I hear my mother calling, dinner's burning, gotta go!
Last week, we hit the Lutherans. By accident, actually. Looking for another co-worker reccomened church, but the Lord works in mysterious ways, right? Maybe this is the one. Don't think I've ever been in a Lutheran church. Looks like Catholic Church, lite. Average age, Moses. With stale perfume. At least the sermon featured super heroes (really). He had a cardboard cutout of the HULK, with angel wings. Awesome.
But we will not give up, we will not be dissuaded. We live in the SOUTH. There are churches on every corner. We will find our place, and pass the peace.
Pray for us
Lemur Queen
Friday, July 25, 2008
When in a Crowd.......
1. Do not walk more than 2 abreast. When you walk in long chains or four or five people across, others can't get around you. Walk in single file, or if you must, want 2 abreast. That way you tend to walk faster and other can get around you. Also, if your family tends to walk in the "modified beehive" pattern, go die. Seriously. The "modified beehive" consists of a core of adults with a protective meshwork of children and adolescents. They're too spread out to go around, and too thick to penetrate. I have tried both, and collided with a worker bee and got a dirty look from a core member. Not that the core members could do anything about it. "Modified Beehives" are usually instigated by old people with hovering family, or foreigners and their kids. Evidently I must give off a "I will punch out an old person and I will call ICE on your family" vibe, because after the initial glare, the cores always leave me alone.
2. Don't get drunk. Mind you, I like to drink. Lemur Queen could tell you of an event last week there I drank 72 ounces of alcoholic beverage in less than 2 hours. But you know what I did after that? I left, and WALKED home. Quietly, without bothering anybody. When you're in a crowd, you need all your faculties of balance, speach, and situational awareness. You don't need to be tottering about and almost stomping on toddlers. Also, if you're a female and drunk, please don't dance. You're going to fall and hurt yourself, and the fat guy standing next to you who just wanted to see the public fireworks.
3. Don't pick a fight. Yes, you may be the second coming of Bruce Lee, but trust me, fighting in crowds is a bad idea. That one annoying guy that made a snooty comment about your woman probably isn't alone. I had a buddy who once THOUGHT he was just going to teach *A* soldier "some manners" and wound up taking on 3 squads (that's 18 guys!). Also, I happen to know that often, that short little guy who's mouthing off to you, may be a master of martial arts, or he's packing heat. Either way is bad, so don't fight. Let the fact that a guy stepped on your shoe slide, and just go home.
4. BATHE REGULARLY. Holy cow. I shouldn't have to say this, but some of you smell like you rolled though a manure and onion factory, put on your "lucky" pants (that you haven't washed since the Carter Administration), and went to town! You shouldn't need to be told this! Soap and deoderant is a good thing! Use it!
Four rules! That's all I ask! Four! BAH!!
Ok, I fell better now.
Fat Rock.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Mongols at the Gates of The Fortress
But, since we have an apartment, we also have neighbors. First, we have the people next to us. They are the ultimate in good neighbors. They have a dog, but you wouldn't know it unless you saw the lady walking it. It's silent. They make no noise, and are ALWAYS nice to us.
Then we have the people across the hall. That apartment has been trouble for us in the past. First it was empty, then the college girls moved in. Tall, blonde, and evidently popular with the boys. They had a bunch of parties, loud parties, and I actually had to go out into the hall and ask some drunk and belligerant gentlmen to please put their pants back on. Now a nice family lives there.......a nice family with the Baddest Weiner Dog EVER. At least, that's what the dog thinks. He's so vicious, he could rip a sock right off your foot!
Below us we have The Tiny Woman (an incredably thin, and freaking tiny asian lady), and her spawn, Drama Girl. Drama Girl has the worst life ever. I've heard her say it, when she's sitting on the bottom of the stairs talking into her $200 cell phone. Yep. Or when she's walking back from her Expedition, which she just drove to the mall. I weep for her. The biggest drama surrounding Drama Girl is her choice in men. From what I can tell, she's in high school. And at all hours she has "very serious" conversations with various and sundry guys. By very serious, I mean, low toned talks about her feelings and all the drama in her life. These talks MUST occur at times when normal people either want to eat dinner, or want to sleep. And they must occur at the bottom step of either the first or second story stairs. That way the entire half of the building can be treated to her theatrics.
Above us, the Norse gods Thor and Modi live. For those of you not in the know, Thor was the god of lightning and thunder, and Modi was his son and the god of battle lust and madness. Basically, they run and boom and jump at night. Usually during prime time TV. Also, they drop things. I'm not sure what they are, but I'm guessing the anvils they practice juggling must be really slippery. The best thing about Thor and Modi is their love of animals. Well, maybe not LOVE. They have a dog. A yappy dog. A yappy dog that is about the size of a husky. I think it's an Akita. They love to keep this dog in its travel crate, which is too small for the dog. They also like to keep this travel crate on their porch, which is in direct sunlight. The dog does not like this, and he lets them, us, and everyone know it. Also, one day Thor and Modi left the dog in the crate, on the porch, in a thunderstorm. The Dog was loosing its mind, but did they care? Nope.
Still they aren't the worst neighbors I ever had. When I was in college, I live with my two buddies Howler Monkey and I.M. (independantly mysterious). We had a second floor apartment (university assigned housing) over 3 black guys. The black guys were cool. No noise (except during World Series and March Madness, but that's perfectly acceptable. I mean, we're all men, and sometimes we need to cuss at the TV. It's genetic), no parties, no wierd smells. Well, two out of the 3 black guys graduates. The last black guy gets two new roomies, 2 japanese guys. Now, the school I went to has a sizable asian population. And evidently these guys were really socialites. There were never less than 20 japanese people in that damn apartment. The last black guy was hiding in his room most of the time. I asked him once how he like living there now, and his reply was "Godzilla madness, yo." Well, the last black guy graduated (he was finishing his MBA), and yet another japanese guy went in. So now, there were usually 30 japanese people living underneath us. One time they had a party and IM and Howler Monkey had a super early ROTC march the next day, so IM went down to ask for a volume reduction. He came back up, and said "they were all surrounding a hibachi grill with an onion on a stick and laughing hysterically. They wouldn't even talk to me, just kept laughing. And there's like 40 of 'em down there." What finally took the cake was one late night, I was lying in bed, trying to drift off the sleep, when IT started.
"BOOM Boom.
Boom Boom BOOM.
Yep, the japanese had started up Britney Spear's hit "Lucky" and were playing it at high volume.
Then I was surprised again, in a bad way:
"She so rucky, she a star, but CLY CLY CLY with her BLOCKEN HEART........."
Japanese Karaoke......Doing Britney Spears......and it's a guy singing. Oh my sweet lord. That was just a beginning of the night. I was treated to other such excellent songs as "Hit Me Baby One More Time" and "Some Thrice-Damned Japanese TV Show Jingle That All 30 of Those Bastards Must Have Loved Because I Swear I Heard About 10 of The Tone-Deaf Weasels Try To Sing It".
But at least they didn't have a dog............
Fat Rock.
Story about 30 japaneese people that lived underneath us in collge.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
A Fatty's Take on Races
So I never competed in a race again. The only time I run now if to and from the buffet.
Anyways, I do go and support/cheer/hoot like an idiot when my wife races. Why? I enjoy supporting her and her interests. I mean, crap, she has actually agreed to go to DragonCON with me this year. And that's like Nerdapalooza. But at least she'll get an opportunity to freak watch, just like I do at her races. I love me some people watching. When we lived in the Capital City, there was this creepy guy that wore 70's shorty shorts with a mountain scene painted on them. To every race. And he never wore a shirt. To every race. And he was hairy like the love child of Robin Williams and Chewbacca. To every race.
But the races down here are still fun to watch. You have your SERIOUS runners, the ones in all matchy running outfits who are either crazy thin or really muscular, vigorously checking their pulses on their necks while bobbing in place. Then you have runners. Lemur Queen falls in this category. She has running clothes, is in good shape, and runs regularly. Not all matchy-matchy, but clothes that are dedicated to running. Then you have the "runners". You know the ones. My kind of peoples. Team Fatty. Jiggles McBee and his dancing Juggernauts. You know. I don't condemn these people, I applaud them. They're doing their best to improve themselves. They are, however, wearing ripped up sweats and a T-shirt from something completely inappropriate (Big D's Bar-B-Q, for example) or they're wearing a running outfit. Ruining outfits have spandex in them. These are the people you don't want to see in spandex.
There is a fourth category of racer: the oddments. These are the high-school athletes there to try to tear out their knees before they hit 18. There's the guy wearing the USMC Force Recon t-shirt with the baby jogger (the guy finished 3rd overall, by the way. And he started at the back of the pack). And then there's the HOLY CRAP IS THAT LADY RUNNING IN HER BRA AND PANTIES?!?!? Oh wait, those are her running clothes. Not underwear. Oh, and there's the really skinny Asian lady that is like normal width from side to side and then from front to back she's about the length of a pencil. A used pencil. Creepy.
But I see all these people show up, pin numbers on themselves, and do some sort of preening before the race. And I get to see said weirdos soon. This weekend actually. So, if your out at any footraces, looking for a fat guy hooting like an idiot and eating a rack of lamb. That'll be me.
Bring Napkins.
Fat Rock.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Fat Rock Recipies

Hi there. Are you a fat guy? Like to eat? Having trouble with the ladies due to a lack of social skill because your favorite hobbies include painting 28mm models, playing World of Warcraft, and screaming at Kung Fu movies? Well, take heart, and impress that woman (or wife) who's way out of your league by cooking for her!
Fat Rock's Chicken-Bake-Pasta-Thing (menu approved by the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
You need: 3 Skinless Boneless Chicken Breat Filets, 6 slices provolone cheese, 1 jar spaghetti sauce (any sauce will do), Fatty's Secret Spice Recipie(rosemary, thyme, garlic salt, ?????, methamphetamines), 2/3 cup pitted black olives, 1/2 cup feta cheese, 1 package of fettucini noodles.
1. Preheat oven to 450 F while thawing chicken. Make sure the chicken is thawed.
2. In a glass/pyrex pan, place chicken breasts in and cover with provolone cheese.
3. Cover chicken/cheese with spaghetti sauce, using the whole jar. Drizzle Secret Spice Recipie over sauce. Place pan in oven (set to 450 F) and cook for 45 minutes.
4. While Chicken is cooking, boil water and cook Fettucini noodles. You should know how to cook noodles. If you don't, your mother didn't love you.
5. While all that's cooking, chop half your olives, and fine dice the rest. Make sure the olive bits are drained, then mix with feta cheese on the cutting board. Set that aside.
6. Ding! Noodles done! Drain noodles and set as a base on the plate. Like a bed for your chicken. DING! Chicken's done! Scoop out chicken onto bed of noodles. The cheese will have melted and ran into the sauce, don't worry about it.
7. Once the chicken's on there good, scoop out the sauce and cover the chicken evenly. Now grab your olive/feta mix and put a dollop of that on top of the chicken.
8. Ding! Your done! Serve and impress the ladies!
Good luck!
Fat Rock.
P.S. This recipie is Lemur Queen tested, Lemur Queen approved.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Tourists and Other hazards to our Sanity
1. Read a map before you come. Have a general idea of the layout of the city you're going to before you come. I do it every time I go on vacation. It keeps me from getting lost as often, and from driving down the road in the fast lane going 15 miles under the speed limit trying to read all the roadsigns. Seriously people, if you suddenly see the road you're supposed to turn off of 2 lanes over......don't slam on brakes, jerk the car accross multiple lanes of trafic and come to a complete stop before you turn. Just pass it, make a U-turn when you can, and try again. The entire town isn't on vacation. A big reason the traffic here is bad is because of you lot of fools.
2. Stop asking locals "what's good here?". When you're in line at a restaurant and don't know what you want, don't hold up everybody else while you stand there life a freshly caught bass, mouth agape and eyes wide staring at a menu. Get out of the way. Stand off to the side. You've been in line 10 minutes, you should have looked at the menu on the wall before now.
3. Don't ask us where to eat. When you ask a local "what's good to eat around here", the locals (at least me and the Lemur Queen) are going to lie our asses off. Why? We don't want you in our restaurants. That's where WE eat. Where local's go, and we don't want you to mess it up. There's a little italian place that we both LOVE that's a hole in the wall but has melt-in-your-mouth dishes and an increadable waitstaff (that we tip 20%+ every time), there's a authentic german place with rockin' wursts and great beer, and there's a local funky burrito restaurant where all the cool alternative kids work where you can get a giant burrito called the "double bypass". All those places are for locals. If you find them it's purely by accident, because when you ask us "what's good", we're going to say "Big Daddy's Crap Shack! It's right by the beach and it's great and prices aren't bad!". Why are we doing this? Because you are foisting yourself on us and as punishment we're going to try to make you eat only with other tourists at the nastiest, overcrowded, overpriced place we can. Why? Because we hate you.
4. Wear some freaking clothes. I mean seriously, people. The whole town isn't a beach. If you're not at the beach, don't just wear shorts and a bathing suit top. Wear a shirt. Change out of your bathing suit. Wear real clothes. Would you like some random fat guy or hefty chick to come wobbling into the Chik-fil-A with their flubber hanging out in YOUR town? Do you know what it's like to sit in a booth after the guy with the soggy swim trunks sat there? EW!
5. While we're on the clothes topic, let's talk about body types and appropriateness. Lemur Queen is pretty, fit and slim. She can do 150 pushups at a whack, and has six pack abs. She can wear a two piece. YOU are 5'1" and over 200 lbs. YOU do not need to wear a two piece. YOU sure as hell don't need to be wearing a bikini. Guys, a word for a minute. Those european speedos you're wearing? They suck. And those board shorts that you're sagging to the point of almost showing your Kibbles'n'bits? They suck. Pull up your pants and wear something substantial enough to NOT be swallowed by a fat roll. I'm a fat guy. I know what it like to go to a beach and have Greenpeace try to roll me back into the surf every time I come out of the water for a drink. My name is Fat Rock for a reason. I can wear clothes that cover. So can you.
So, to all you tourists out there, please read my rules and live by them. And if you can't do that.....please get out of my town.
Fat Rock.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Southern Goths in the Summer: An Ode to Dedication

It's summer time on the Carolina Coast. No rain, high heat, freakish baking sunshine, and a town that subsists on outside activities make being a Goth hard. I mean if you think about it, there's not a good mall to hang out in, there's no parks with a lot of hardwoods (it's a "Dark Forest", for those of you NOT in the know), there's not really a store that sells AD&D (Advanced Dungeons and Dragons) or any of the things that traditionally Goths like and hang around at. Goths here are like spotted owls in the northwest. Their habitat is either non-existant, or even worse, been destroyed by the bublegum pop teenie boppers. *shudder* Unlike the Spotted Owl, those tree-hugging morons at Greenpeace aren't stepping in to try to save them. Because of their rarity, when you spot a Southern Goth, it's really an event. I have a lot of respect for them. They have perseverance out the ying-yang. Kinda like watching a fat guy jogging in bad weather. The goth has an almost noble quality, like a salmon swimming upstream.
But the other day I spotted TWO goths. Both were Southern Goths. How did I know they were Southern Goths, as opposed to their Northern Cousins? Why, a difference in plumage, of course!! Northern Goths benefit from a generally cooler climate, including longer winters, which enable them to have more showy costumes with more layers and ornamentation. Also, with cooler weather comes the ability to have layered white face-paint, and the all inportant black eye liner. Northern Goths are also more numerous, due to a higher general population density and to an abundance of industrial backdrops and shopping malls to lurk around and act depressed at.

Southern Goths, by contrast, are built for survival. Ornate plumage and display only come after september, when the temperatures drop, and high school goes back into session. Due to high heat, scarcity in habitat, and fewer numbers; Southern Goths have had to rely on camoflage and adaptation. The plumage of a Southern Goth is less flamboyant(as goths go), with usually only a blak pair of massive pants, a black T-shirt, and either a trench coat or bookbag. Note, both the coat and bookbag are used as carrying devices for various gothic odds-n-ends, and usually only one is chosen. All male Southern Goths will assuredly wear very loose fitting clothing, as opposed to the tailored/layered look of their Nothern male cousins. Female Southern Goths usually wear a black tank top and huge pants or waifish black dress.
Paradoxically, while alabaster white skin is prized amougnst the Southern Gothic Community, sunscrean usage is generally restricted to females, as males do not generally have enough sense to put it on.
Anyways, I saw two Goths the other day. The first sighting was at the local Books-a-Million on a saturday. Saturdays are usually when Goths, Nerds and Gamers gather to play Magic the Gathering. This particular Goth exemplified the drive for adaptation and survival. Dressed in ill-fitting black jeans and a black shirt, the male could be observed desperately trying to blend in with the others in the group. Watching him was like watching a sea gull victim from the Exxon Valdez spill. He was flopping and alone, desperate to survive. I was starting to give up on our Southern Goths, untill I had my second sighting in a week. The other sighting was at Wal-Mart, which has become a makeshift meeting site for their kind; since proper shopping malls with food courts are unavailable. Dressed in the huge pants/black top/massive trench coat regalia, he was resplendant as he was pushing the cart with his mother going grocery shopping. Awed by his dedication to his kind, I basked in the dark glory that issued forth from the scragly young man. Truly, he was a Goth after a Goth's own heart.
By the way, if you add 150 pounds to the guy in the picture, this COULD be me and Lemur Queen. Enjoy:

By the way, the male is a Northern Goth. I can't quite determine the breeding of the female.
Fat Rock out.
Note from Lemur Queen: No, not us at all.