Tuesday, August 11, 2009

More to Love: So Far, I'm Right.

Fat Rock here.

Well, the first two episodes of More To Love are out on Hulu or network TV if you've got the time. Seems I'm right so far. Bunch of plus sized girls. One moderately attractive guy (so says my wife. I think he looks like someone I work with, who I don't like. So I think he looks like a jackass.) that they all get catty over. They all get introduced, we all meet them, and all they talk about is fat fat fat fat fat fat. I mean, I know it's a show for "average" people to find love, but come on, you have NOTHING else to discuss other than your weight? Also, telling said bachelor that you've "never been loved" may seem a bit needy. But from what I can tell,a LOT of these women have borderline personality disorders (or, typical reality show contestants) that have nothing to do with their weight.

One thing that did piss me off. One girl was eliminated for being too smart. She was a Rocket Engineer. Smart girl, probably makes good on the dough front. (insert "doesn't look like she's missed a meal" joke here) Why be intimidated by a smart woman? I'm not. My wife has an advanced degree, I don't. I'm proud of her, not threatened by her big delicious brain. But the smart girl got dumped quick. I guess only vapid fat chicks need be on these shows.

*sigh* Well, at least 2 of the girls both of us liked made it. Bonnie and Tali have made it through so far. Good luck girls! You seen nice and normal!

Fat Rock.

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