Sunday, November 14, 2010
Working for a living
Unless, of course, Lemur Queen picks up the slack. Much love.
Fat Rock.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Running VICTORY!
But first, a story.
The local runners community is small, and you tend to see the same people over and over. One of these runners is someone Fat Rock and I call "the Poser." She is skinny, and blond, and FAST. She typically runs in those tiny little buns, and a padded sports bra. Her hair is pulled back in a roll, with a plastic flower. Now, you may be thinking "geez Lemur Queen, stalker, much?" Well, she's hard to miss. First, she's FAST. And the fast runners are easy to spot, even before the race. Tanned bodies, buns of steel, very little clothing, fancy shoes, sprinting around as a warm up. Second, and more importantly, she POSES. Thus her name. Due to my aforementioned slowness, I have had limited opportunities to enjoy her posing, but Fat Rock says that once she finishes a race, the Poser selects a high visibility area and, well, poses. Typically with padded sports bra in full display.
At this last race, Fat Rock was standing near the finish with the pup. Apparently, this was the best posing space at this race, and Fat Rock was in the way. After several dirty looks, the Poser found another spot to stand, and began suggestively eating a banana. Let me say that again. Suggestively. Eating. A. Banana. And I missed it. It makes me wish I was faster. Unfortunately, she was gone by the time I dragged my slightly less firm bottom across the finish.
But, on to my VICTORY! This weekend's race was a small one, maybe 75 people? So from the start I liked my odds. But given my track record of mediocrity at races, I tried not to get my hopes up. It was a trail run, which actually worked in my favor. I'm not fast, but I'm steady and tenacious. That's why I like longer races. Still, I was SHOCKED when I checked the finish times, and saw that 1 next to my name. AND I got a prize. Reusable wine bag,

I've got a standing to uphold
Lemur Queen
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Freak Night at Wal-Mart
Also the alternatives were there. Mostly loving gay couples with some sort of child there. Note I said "some sort". There was one couple that was getting on my nerves, as they were blocking my way to the particular type of candy my wife wanted. One guy was over 400lbs if he was an ounce. And he was carrying a large purse. And he was getting his buttocks STROKED by the 250lb man directly behind him. And I mean STROKING his ass. Literally, like you would rub a dog or something. They had a giant bag of kitten chow in their cart, and were completely blocking my way to the Hershey Display. No pun intended. So after waiting a bit for them to move, and patiently waiting, I might add, I was treated to the strokefst while the fat gay guy was whining about the lack of potato chip selection and why did they shop at Harris Teeter? The thinner gay guy was very sorry honey, but the prices there are just too high. So, I walked over, and said "excuse me, guys, I need to grab something off the shelf behind you". I was met with the blank, open-mouthed stare. Then they stood stock still. Would not move. A second "Excuse me" didn't get any movement either. So, I did the asshole thing, and reached right by then, grabbing what I wanted off the shelf. The I heard it. A mewing. I kitten mewing. FROM THE FAT GUY'S PURSE. The guy gasped, opened his purse, and stuffed a fat hand in the bag to calm an orange tabby kitten. Those queens had smuggled in a kitten to Wal-Mart, so they could have their "family" all together while they assembled more tools for their own hyper-obsesity and butt stroking. Unbelievable.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The Goblins are going BACK!
But it's also a sad post because the traffic situation in our town is about to get a lot more screwed up. Yep! School Busses! And of course the parents who can't let their Precious Little Darlings (PLDs) ride the big nasty bus and must drive them to school personally. If you go to a private school and have no bus service, you are excluded from that comment. The bus drivers in my town are good. They don't abuse the power of the stop sign, and try to move a decent speeds. They will, by and large, allow people to pass them. My problem is with the traffic cops. One traffic cop. The Midget Deputy. The Midget Deputy works the traffic beat at the local elementary school that is on a busy 4 lane road with a grassy median. This 4 lane road is an artery for people who have to work downtown (me), and in the mornings the north-bound lanes are packed with workers and soccer moms transporting their PLDs in massive ass SUVs (Lady, you have one freaking kid, WHY do you need to have an Expedition Extended Edition Widebody? Crap, that thing is a tank.......and keep it in one lane, PLEASE!) The Sounthbound lane is clear and open, but has a left turn lane into the Elementary School. Enter the Midget Deputy. He can't see over his car, but he directs traffic like wee tiny iron fist. He constantly stops traffic on the northbound lane for almost no reason. One car in the turn lane? STOP ALL NORTHBOUND TRAFFIC! Turn lane empty but you see a bus coming half a mile away that might need to turn into the school? STOP ALL NORTHBOUND TRAFFIC! This little Napoleon will have traffic backed up for 3 miles. It seems he has it out for anyone wanting to drive into town. Like some woman who drove north on this road broke his heart once and now he has sworn vengeance on all northbound traffic. So, if you see a tiny man shaking his fist randomly at north moving traffic, it's him. Throw fruit. He likes it.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
At ye olde unemployment office.
Which brings me to the unemployment office. The company I'm trying to get into is doing all it's recruiting via the unemployment office. To turn in my application, I had to wait in line there. it was an eye-opener. Ever seen Star Wars? Remember the Mos Eisley Cantina? Well, that was pretty much the ESC (Employment Security Commission). I had Bubba Joe Jim Bob standing there jabbering at one window, looking for a "hog job. ANY hog job". He was standing next to Anferny, who was decked to the nines in Fubu, trying to get the lady at the next window to believe him when he said Taco Bell wasn't hiring. And how do unemployed people/welfare people afford full on Fubu/SeanJean outfits and/or have a constant supply of Marlboro unfiltereds? I know for a fact that "fly gear" is expensive as hell, and Cowboy Killers are over $4 a pack now. So where is that money coming from?
Anyways, so I was called back into the ESC to take a basic math and literacy test. My test time was 0930. I showed up 5 minutes early, was given a blank sheet of paper, a pencil, and told to sit down and wait for a computer. There were about 40 computers in the room, and every seat had an ass in it. All these folks were there for the 0900 test times. The test was 52 questions of basic (high school) math and reading comprehension. I figured it wouldn't be a long wait. I was wrong. 40 minutes later, someone got up from the chair and finished. I sat down and started. I finished the test in roughly 40 minutes. And I checked all the answers to every question before I submitted it. So, it actually took me about 30 mins to complete. The majority of the people who were on the computers when I came in at 0925........WERE STILL THERE. Right as I was leaving I had a very bad movie clip come to mind. Remember 2001 Space Oddessy? Remember the monkeys and the giant slab thingy? Yeah, those monkeys.
That's what it was like. Except instead of grunting and hooting there was the occasionally moan of "oh heeeeellllll no" and "hey, yew! May number from figurin' ain't on them answer buttons, yer test is wrong!" Yep. The people who were there when I left had been there for well over 1 hour and 40 minutes. Working on the same test I took. I hope I score better than they do.
Also, the monkey thing doesn't mean I think I'm better than them, it just means I touched the obelisk first.
Fat Rock.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Goth Re-post. Or a Gothic Riposte. Whichever.
So, a commenter writes:
"I'm a southern goth and actually find this offensive. You are either too young to be part of the true goth culture or you are not goth at all."
Ding! She's right! I wasn't a Goth. I'm a Gamer, a specialized subtype of Nerd. I am also a big fan of the SCA, enjoy metal/punk music, and comic books. All three of those can be a draw for Goths. While I was in my prime, I had a grand total of four close Goth friends. I was still a Gamer, I just hung out with some goths. And I assure you I am old enough to have been a part of "true" Goth culture, as I am old enough to own a copy of Vanilla Ice's To The Extreme, and may have purchased it when it first came out. Not that I am admitting owning or purchasing said album.
Speaking of Age, this brings me to my next point:
"Large pants are more popular with ravers, not real goths."
If you remember back in the day, lose fitting pants WERE popular with Goths. When I'm out and about I still often observe those of a more gothic bent wearing loose/large pants. Yes, I know they may not be Goths, but that's what I observe. "Tightish" pants are often more associated with Emos or Hipsters in my area, though they may be popular amongst the Goth crowd in other places.
Hmm, other places, ah next point!
"I am in Richmond, Virginia which has the only full time goth club (open 6 nights a week) in America."
and also
"You also seem to only think of the goth culture as suited for teenagers, which would explain your lack of being able to recognize an adult goth. We just tend to dress nicer regardless of location."
First off, you are in Richmond. Nice city, I've been there on business and pleasure. Richmond and the surrounding areas have a population of over 1.2 million people. That's more than 10 times the amount of where I am. With less population comes a smaller sample size to observe. Also, you point to having a Gothic Club (the only one in the U.S., too!), which would serve to attract more Goths than agrarian community with few amenities and fewer non-industrial or non-farm jobs. I bet that club attracts Goths like deer to a salt lick. And what guy (or girl) would go out to a club and not dress up a bit? I wouldn't.
But people are like animals in one certain respect: no habitat, no wildlife. There's not many goths here because there's no habitat. That first post was made because I saw TWO Goths at a time when I thought they were long gone in this area. I don't know what the temperature is right now in Richmond, but it's 98 here, with a heat index of 107. This is NOT a good time to wear black. Now is NOT a good time to wear dark colors, period. Now is not a good time to wear heavy makeup. So no, there's not a lot of Goths here. Hence the post about the disappearance of the Southern Goth.
So that's what the post was about. I tried to give it an Audubon Society spin to it, because that's funny to me. I look forward to your comments and as always, will stand behind my words. Thank you.
Fat Rock.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Country Adventures
And he chose..........a flea market.
Now, I am not a flea-marketing kind of gal. Antique stores, sure, as long as they aren't too dusty. Yard sales, meah. All told, this was probably my third trip to a flea market.
And what a trip it was! First we rode out into the country. This was actually pretty nice. Open fields, quaint houses, old farm equipmant at the side of the road. We idlly talked about moving out into the country and living the simple life. Step 1: win the lottery.
And then we entered town. What's that? In the distance? A PIGGLY WIGGLY!! My favorite supermarket. For no other reason than that its mascot is an adorable pig. I may have taken pictures. My greatest regret is that I didn't buy a Piggly Wiggly tee-shirt on my last vacation to Kiawah Island. The dichotomy makes me smile. Swank beach resort, country supermarket, with spokes-pig.
Time for the flea market. A large field filled with tables. There was a large crowd, buying.......... huh. A strange mixture of stuff. There was the farm stand/tube sock table. The Suny (almost like SONY!) electronics. The stripper clothing. The packages of clothing with DEFINITELY did NOT fall off a truck, so don't even think that. The XXX movie table (they seemed to be doing a brisk business, apparently flea marketers don't know that you can get that stuff on the Internet.) And the air was filled with the smell of the barnyard.
I was hoping for chickens. I was greatly disappointed when we walked past the restrooms and found the "barnyard scent" was, in fact "human sent." Ew.
BUT! On the way out, I saw two goats, just chillin' in the back of a pick up truck.
It was a good day.
Lemur Queen
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Tax Free Weekend.

Saturday, August 7, 2010
1. Dog fighters are still looking for Pittbulls and sometimes try to get them from rescues.
2. People are afraid of Pitts, and will shy away from adopting them.
I'm not afraid of Pittbulls. Beefy has proven to be a wonderful companion and exercise partner. He loves children, and will put up with anything, so long as the kid rubs him. He was slapped across the face last week by a little girl who wanted to play rough. Dog's reaction? Fall over and roll belly up to try to entice a belly-rub. He has not been aggressive with any other dogs, but has tried to play with dogs who weren't interested. This resulted in him being growled at, so he ran behind me and hid.
What kills me is how many people are afraid of Pitts. And I mean, run in terror, jerk kids away fear. I made the mistake of telling a woman that Beefy was a Pitt while she was petting him on a walk, and she jerked her hand away and stepped back about 10 feet, saying something about "maneater". Yeah, the dog that was happily licking your hand 5 seconds ago is going to go insane an rip off a boob now that you know it's a Pittbull. So now I have to introduce him as a mutt. Or to other Pitt owners as an "Amstaff Mix", which they immediately understand. I know the media doesn't like Pitts. But please, give the breed a chance.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
OOOOoooohh! Dogo!

Yep. So this lady had the dog in the truck. He sat there, patiently, waiting for his master to return, ignoring everyone who walked by, tried to pet him, or took pictures (that would be me, I'll post them later, maybe.). I waited for that lady for 20 mins, hoping she would show up. That dog was just too awesome not to check out. Oh, and yeah, even though the dog is bred to kill large wild animals, it's nature is to be loving and gentle with people and kids. Hence the Boxer mix-in. What an awesome dog. If Lemur Queen would let me, I would totally get one of those.

Saturday, July 10, 2010
Moving Days........
You know who I hate to help move? Chicks. (Not you, my loving wife, you are the great exception!) Especially single ones. Why? Because often times they've never had to move themselves. Their daddy moved them, or their brother, or boyfriend, or SOME GULLIBLE GUY who they roped into doing this. Also, because women have heavy stuff. Not just sofas and dressers, but RANDOM things like a 60 lb ironing board or something. Or a microwave made out of granite. Also, women LOVE to live on the upper floors of apartment buildings. The first floor? The easy floor to move stuff to? Pfft. Please. Since she's not the one dragging that 500 pound bureau up 3 flights of stairs what do she care?
And I know I sound angry here. I guess I kinda am. Waaaaaaay back in the day, YEARS before I even started dating Lemur Queen, I was a hot single guy. Well, hot in my mind at least. But I was always on the prowl for the ladies. So, when a girl would ask me to "come over" for a while on a Saturday, after coyly asking if I was free, I would say yes. Because hey, a girl just asked me over! But then I find out that she's moving, and then never talks to me after I help her move. I had friends who enlisted my help to move their girlfriends, only to have those girls BREAK UP with them hours to days after she was moved. Turns out she had wanted to leave him for a while, but didn't want to do the labor of moving by herself, so she stayed with my buddy until the move was done. Crazy thing, is this has happened three times, to two separate friends. I knew one girl (who was really, really hot. But also insane. As in "Daddy Never Loved Me" type stuff. Also, would only wear all white clothing on certain days of the week. But I digress.) who would actually go out on a ton of dates with as many men as she could wrangle so she would have a large pool of willing and able men to help her move. Of course, once this backfired on her. She dated about 5 guys (telling me the whole time WHY she was doing this) for about a month, and then the week before she was to move, she asked them all for help. Well, the guys found out what she was doing, somehow. The day before she was going to move all of them called her, broke off the relationship, and told her she was on her own for her move in day. If my back hadn't been the one to suffer for that, I would have laughed my ass off to hear those phone conversations.
Also, when I was in college, we had this group that helped move in Freshmen. The New Friends, or some crap. After my freshman year I volunteered every time this came up. Why? Two reasons: 1) get to move in one day before EVERYONE into the dorms, thus avoiding clutter and chaos and 2) scope out hot freshman women before the rest of campus. After the first year of doing this, I realized that (2) as a waste of time. I was not George Clooney. I can't pick up girls like that. Only Assholes, Douchebags, and George Clooney can do that. And I, my friends, am no George Clooney. So I made dang skippy my room was all set up, then I'd go see what/who was coming in this year. Every year there were hot girls. Every year. And you know what? They ALWAYS had a ton of crap with them. And they never lived on the first floor. Well, lucky for us....they brought they're Father with them to move said heavy crap! Oh, wait, he has a "bad back" and can't move stuff (how'd he get it into the trailer?). But that's ok, Freshman Barbie has a brother with her. Oh wait.....that's either a really handsy's the Boyfriend from Back Home. Boyfriend ain't TOUCHING the heavy crap. He's too busy groping the girl who's going to dump him in a few weeks for a Theatre, English or Religion major. So, I just gave up and started helping the guys move. Why? I'd see the girls in the cafeteria for the meet and greet. And, I'd see what freshman guy had the coolest stuff, so I'd know where I could hang out and play some Playstation. Rock on!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Like Rats on a Ship.
I guess what really kills me is the traffic. It gets pretty congested during regular weekdays here. Our roads suck. So throw in thousands of extra vehicles, and it gets BAD. And the majority of those are not from here, so are not used to the streets and traffic patterns, and thus slow things down even more. I know you and "the family" are going to have a nice, relaxing vacation pal, but how about snapping out of your Jimmy Buffet fantasy long enough to find the damn gas pedal and USE IT. I need to get to work.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Behold the AWESOME!!!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010
You are FIRED! But you need to give us some overtime first.......
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Eve Online
Essentially, you're in space. The empty void of space. But the void is what you make it. There are hundreds of thousands of players, all working in this void, trying to make something. Individual players join corporations, groups of like minded players who use teamwork to accomplish their goals. Corporations can join alliances, which can consist of up to thousands of players. Alliances can band together into coalitions, informal treatieas and the like. The economic and diplomatic tools used in this game would even give Kissinger and Greenspan a run for their money. But don't take my word for it. try it out.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Azalea Festival.

They made that garden themselves. And it was awesome.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Mutually Assured Destruction
But when she says stuff like this all I can see is this:

Then she realized it was a mexican standoff with hair. If SHE went nuclear and got a pixie cut, I would go nuclear and go full Pai Mei on her. "Who's Pai Mei?" you ask? He's a famous Shaolin monk, immortalized in film and saga. Also, he kinda looks like this:

Yeah, that is EPIC. And that's what's gonna happen if she cuts her hair. And she knows it. So it's a waiting game until the first cold snap, then I'm clear. She won't cut off all that insulating hair once fall hits. But until then I need to be strong, and threaten the woman I promised to cherish forever of the possibility of my trying to make myself look like a catfish is she trims her locks.

Saturday, May 8, 2010
Do I LOOK like a stoner?

Sunday, March 7, 2010
What's Irony?
That we were doing overtime again. For the fifth week straight. Five. Weeks. Overtime. Fatigue. Injuries.
One guy actually raised his hand as asked the managers if they knew what irony was, the managers said yes, but it totally didn'y apply to this situation.
The mind boggles.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Then today after work I was still in a philosophical mood, when it hit me: average.
Average: (n) a quantity, rating, or the like that represents or approximates an arithmetic mean: Her golf average is in the 90s. My average in science has gone from B to C this semester.
We, humanity are a great pool of possible metrics to be determined. There's a ton of us, all with different gifts and potential. I won't be the best at everything. Hell, I won't be in the top 20% in most things. The best I can do is try hard and stay off the bottom rung.
Sorry, just needed to let that out after 3 weeks of overtime, with a manager running after me waving his arms like he's shooing chickens.
Ok, back to work.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Yo-Ho, plunder the Wal-Mart!
Pirate Boots. Honest to Heck freaking shiver me timbers pirate boots.

Yeah, those. And he was just skee-daddlin' his way through Wal-Mart, as though not a thing in the world was up, or strange, or odd as hell.
Makes me feel so normal.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Biggest Looser Season 9- Now even Loosier!
I am the reason that Fat Rock was eating dinner while watching the biggest biggest loosers ever workout and vomit. I've been addicted to the show since the first season, and last season, I drug my husband along with me. The first few seasons were pretty inspirational, but now, we are getting dangerously close to circus side show territory.
500+pound contestants! 400+ pound TWINS! A guy with Sideshow Bob hair! By the way, that was the dude complaining that he has never known love. I don't think it's the weight. I'd look into Supercuts.
Now, the reason we eat dinner while watching this show is because I have aerobics on Tuesday nights. I have just enough time to get home, shower, and grab my dinner before the fun starts. So I have just spent an hour sweating with the best of them. I feel this adds to my compassion, or at least gives me an excuse to disparage the weaker contestants. The group this season....yeesh. The venous stasis ulcers, the abdominal pannus (panni?) the complete inability to do a freaking PUSH UP. The VOMITING. It totally ruined my appetite for my Twix bar. No lie. Hey, don't look at me like that. I just finished working out. And I RUN. And I rarely cry while working out.
One more thought on the female contestants, and this comes from the heart. Where the HELL do they find those sports bras. They make every woman have a uniboob. All of them. Some of them have under boobage. Now I have seen these women (in earlier seasons) and some of them have pretty nice racks. They make attractive sports bras. Producers, they are already bearing their souls, and abdomens. Can you find them a nice sports bra? Please? And then give some to the men?
love you, mean it.
Lemur Queen
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Biggest Loser Season Nine: Festively Plump and then some.
But Bob and Jillian can't get good rating unless they have fat people crying, so it's SCREAM TIME!
In all seriousness, have you seen some of the crybabies they have on this year? Good grief. I could hardy stand the blubbering and crying about how weight was the only factor in defining happiness in their lives. Some guy came up and said "oh, I've never had a girlfriend/never been kissed" and all I wanted to do was buy him a hooker or something. I mean hell, when I was heavier I was still happy. Some girl said "oh, I've never had a boyfriend, and I'm 30!" So what? Are you an utter and complete failure because you haven't had a man? Have you tried lowering your standards some, or maybe put out? Perhaps not screaming "BRING ME SOLO AND THE WOOKIE" during dates might make men/women (for the fat guys) want to stick around.
And what's with the epic sounding music when you're walking to the weigh-in? What is so daunting about that scale that you require epic Braveheart/Gladiator/Platoon-esque music to go with it. You aren't exactly Band of Brothers, marching into Bastone. Neither are you Spartans at Thermopylae, nor even the Charge of the Light Brigade. You are fat people, waddling up to a scale. Crap on a stick.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
My wife is home!
So, Lemur Queen spent a few extra days with her parents past Christmas. I went home, worked, and took care of the house while she was gone. Well, I tried to. Dog was underfed at the Kennel while we were gone, and he was wild. We left the house in quite a mess because of our Christmas prep, oh and my mother invited herself to my house for a day and a half. No biggie. But it takes away from my ability to clean the house. And I got sick. Not helpfull to clean when I have boogers flying out of my nose at odd intervals. And my wife came home a few hours earlier than I thought she was. So her and he in-laws I was trying to impress came home to a scene like this:

Yeah, something like that. The dog was wild, laundry everywhere (because I was in the middle of doing it all), and bits of Christmas everywhere. I had never seen my father-in-law move that fast. Wife unloaded and he just about spun tires to get away. 20 mins later everything was pulled together, wife and dog were calm, and house was order. Oh well, next time they come I'll have the place clean.
Friday, January 1, 2010
The Holidays Are OVER!!!!