Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I hate everyone

Yes everyone. Even you. Everyone except for Fat Rock. He cooks for me and gives me back rubs.

Yeah, so work's been crazy the last two weeks. Everyone is trying to get in before the new year, AKA when their decuctable starts anew. These same people are also in the "doughnut hole" of Medicare part D, and are paying for their medications out of pocket. This makes them RABID for free samples.


But not as fun as today's patient. Let me set the scene: a young female, Jabba-huge. I've seen her before, and she is definately......slow. This makes obtaining a decent history a long and painful process. Throughout the interview process I found out:

1) She haden't taken her insulin in a week, for no partcular reason.

This was extra bad because of

2) she had been taking Prednisone because "it made her legs feel better" She doesn't know the dose. She got it from, someone, I'm not sure who. It may not have actually BEEN Prednisone. It may have been magic beans she got in exchange for her insulin. Of course it's an A #1 BAD IDEA to take other people's medications, but espically Prednisone. You can't just stop it all at once, unless Adrenal Crisis sounds like fun. (Note: It's not fun.) Oh, it jacks up your blood sugar too.

*Fat Rock note: Prednisone is a corticosteroid used to treat a variety of inflamatory conditions. It is usually dosed in a taper, as in big doses leading to smaller doses leading to none. Just taking a handfull is an extremely bad idea. I love my wife*

which brings us to:

3) checked sugar in the office. 375 (normal is 70-120) Give patient 10 units of insulin. One hour later sugar is 425. THE HELL!?!? 15 MORE units of insulin, ANOTHER hour later, blood sugar 330. Good enough. Whils't waiting for the insulin to do its magic:

4) she had an accident.

It's days like these I wonder why I ever left the lab. Sure it was soul crushing work, with terrible hours. But I was never peed on. Well, almost never. The mice do get nervous.

Merry Freaking Christmas

Lemur Queen

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