Saturday, October 25, 2008

Not another running post!

Oh yes, another running post.

I just finished my third 8k. I had never heard of this race distance until I moved to coastal NC. For you non-metric folks this works out to 5 miles.

Today's race had every opportunity to be a total disaster. The tee shirts were AWFUL. Inmate orange with pumpkins that looked like beach balls. Last night, it rained and rained. Usually not a big deal, but this race featured an "off road" portion. Off road + rain = mud. Costumes were encouraged. It's the weekend before a 1/2 iron man distance traiathon, so all the seroius runners stayed home, slept in, and ate pasta. Possibly all at once. The total race pack was definately under 100. And there was some question about the race start time.

Despite all these hardships, the race was AWESOME. The rain held off until the race was completed, the course was well marked, so even with the small crowd, I didn't get lost. The mud was REALLY fun, and it gives me an excuse to get another pair of running shoes. (Sale at Omega, 50% off! Yippee) Also, the mud provided excellent perperation for the Marine Corps Mud Run . My aerobics class is planning on competing next year. Oh, and did I mention that I KICKED ASS? Cut 2 minutes off my last 8k time!! In less than a month! Yeah, I rock.

And did I meantion the Worlds Strongest Man (TM) was there? He totally was. FYI: Worlds Strongest Man (TM) does not appear to equal world's strongest knees.

Lemur Queen

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