We are back from our vacation. A complete Disney roundup is on the way, but this will have to hold you until then.
Disney World was wonderful. Perfect weather, not too crowded, etc. etc. It was also the weekend of the Disney Marathon. 45,000 people running through the parks. Half marathon on Saturday, full marathon on Sunday. Half marathon finishers received a Donald Duck medal, full marathoners the Mickey Mouse.
Since it IS Disney World, the races were well organized, fun and friendly. Runners started at 4:50 AM (!) with a firework start. They ran throughout the parks, with a beautiful finish areas in the EPCOT parking lot. Again, since it is Disney World, the runners seemed more along the lines of "family looking for an excuse to vacation and keep working out" as opposed to "Chicken breasted sternum guy, who would only have fun on his cross training day."
All of this combined to encouraged Fat Rock and I to attempt Disney Racing in 2010! Fat Rock is going for the half, and I'm going for the full!! It will be Fat Rock's first half, and my first full marathon! What better place for 13.1 (or 26.2) than Disney World?
But wait? What's that THIRD medal? Is it GOOFY!?!?!? How did those runners get that? Why, the Goofy Challenge, of course. They ran the half on Saturday, and the full on Sunday. Get it? Two races, one weekend! Goofy! HAHAHAHAHA
OK, as you all know, I'm a little competitive (stop laughing) Once I found out about this Goofy Challenge, I HAD to have in. Who cares that I've never ran a marathon before?? I'm 5 feet of pure energy! AND extra bling. It would also give me a chance to hang out and support Fat Rock during the half. He's probably going to run the race at a slower pace than my usual half, so it shouldn't be TOO taxing, right?
So what do you think? Am I goofy?

Lemur Queen