So Lemur Queen and I have been to ballet before: Carmen. It was good. Very good. I actually have a favorite male dancer in the troupe, and he was the bullfighter. Good mechanics, good emotion, good synchro, good dancer. Good times:
It was at that time I found a had a dancer that I didn't like so much, namely because the entire time he was dancing, he looked like he was straining on a toilet or recovering from a particularly potent kick to the groin. I prefer my dancers non-weepy, thank you very much:
Anyways, the ballet we went to had three parts. Something classical with 4 pairs and a big finale. The second part was supposed to be a "representation of human rights abuses in the world", and the third was a new piece of work made up by the resident choreographer/Adrian Monk Impersonator. Oh yeah, he totally looked like that Monk guy, and I was just waiting for him to start touching the microphone repeatedly as an OCD guy is wanton to do.
The first part was "eh". My favorite dancer wasn't on there, but this guy was:
I enjoyed his work, he moved well and had emotional expression that built as the piece went on. But they didn't give him enough to do. The girl he was partnered with had this "I just took 20 hits of E" look on her face, and pretty much used him as a coat rack. Oh, and there was an amazon there. She was in the last pair, but she was huge. She had to be 6'. At least. She was good, but big.
The second piece was UNBELIEVABLE. The primary dancers (the male ones) were the "prisoners" and they portrayed suffering, fear, strength, despair, and hope all in sequence and all in amazing realism. There was also an asian girl in the red dress who was a primary, who was an incredible representation of both hope, freedom, and rescue. It was great!
The third piece was not so good. Adrian Monk failed us all. The only cool part was a scene with two dancers moving as a heart. The rest was a stereotypical modern ballet where everything was laden with metaphysical meaning and depth but ended up being a bunch of very fit people writhing on stage.
Anyways, all in all we enjoyed it. I like the arts, and will probably continue to go to shows and put some money in the tin when it's passed. I also love to people watch. There's a lot of interesting people at the ballet. You have elderly wealthy socialites, trying to show it all off. You've got college girls wearing the latest in unflattering Maxi dresses with authentic 1980's style hooker earrings. There's the obliging parents bringing their daughter out to see the pretty ballerinas (the cutest is when the little girls are actually wearing the point shoes from their class and try to walk out on their toes at the end of the performance). You've also got the date couples there. You can always tell them apart. The girl is usually really enjoying the show, and the guy is freaked out about the guys in tight costumes and whether or not anybody is seeing him do this. The average guy I guess is afraid of "looking gay" by being seen at the ballet. I don't have that fear. Everyone my work knew that I was going to the ballet, and I was looking forward to it. Also, I worked in a freaking theatre for two years and I have seen some pretty gay stuff. You don't want to hear the stories. But I can tell you, going to the ballet never made anyone gay. Go see the show.

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