Yeah, it's amazing what I'll do to keep my wife happy. Not that I have a problem with this, as I get to eat and watch TV. Lemur Queen loves fashion. Or rather, she loves laughing at bad fashion. I do enjoy her snark, so I watch too. I know it sounds gay that I'm watching the Oscar red carpet show for fashion. I know it does. How Gay, exactly?

This Gay
But if you dig a little deeper, perhaps it's not so gay. I mean, what exactly am I doing? One, making points with m wife, which I will then cash in, for well, booty. Second, I'm sitting on a sofa, eating, and basically ogling women in gowns. Getting to say "nice rack" when I mean it, and laughing my ass off when they fail and dressing themselves (e.g. Helena Bonham Carter). So, how gay is it really?
About this gay. So stuff it.