Ok, so it's Sunday afternoon. My wife is cooking dinner, and I'm in another room playing World of Warcraft. Lemur Queen runs in and says "Rock, I think I'm missing out on the good life. I should have been a stripper." It seems there was an upcoming special called "Mommy's a Stripper!" coming up on the local news on wednesday. I assure you, the Fat Rock household will be tuning in for that riveting broadcast. According to my lovely wife they had a preview of the segment where a "dancer" was showing her whole face and saying "I ain't shamed none. I work tree days uh week and make moar then mai husband". Come to think of it, there was supposedly a girl at my college who worked weekends at the local strip club and supposedly "paid her way through school". Sidebar: The girl was also supposedly a marketing major.
Anyhoo, Lemur Queen tells me they according to this segment, strippers make a ton of cash. So I looked it up online. My findings? This: Boobies+Men=$$$$
It seems there's a whole "mental game" behind stripping that I wasn't aware of. I though the entirety of the stripping business model was:
1. Take of clothes and shake chest
2. ........
Seems there's a lot more to it. I'll let you know how the segment goes.